Header 1 (Reserved for page titles only)
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The intro paragraph style below is used for the first paragraph of a page when appropriate. It helps breaks up a page with a lot of text. Do not use with ordered or unordered lists.
Intro paragraph Etiam volutpat congue odio vitae ultrices. Sed eleifend eget erat nec posuere. Vestibulum gravida massa in nunc porttitor, nec iaculis urna consectetur. Donec tempus pretium semper. Mauris ac sollicitudin risus. Quisque eleifend, dolor a convallis mollis, massa augue iaculis turpis, efficitur gravida metus justo vitae velit. Donec nec consectetur felis. Nulla nec mattis erat, suscipit facilisis lorem. Mauris lacinia placerat elit vitae aliquam.
Ut ullamcorper facilisis urna, vitae ullamcorper ipsum. Donec pellentesque, risus et ullamcorper tincidunt, nunc nibh dictum elit, condimentum auctor quam purus in odio. Nullam efficitur quam eros. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam volutpat congue odio vitae ultrices. Sed eleifend eget erat nec posuere. Vestibulum gravida massa in nunc porttitor, nec iaculis urna consectetur. Donec tempus pretium semper. Mauris ac sollicitudin risus. Quisque eleifend, dolor a convallis mollis, massa augue iaculis turpis, efficitur gravida metus justo vitae velit. Donec nec consectetur felis. Nulla nec mattis erat, suscipit facilisis lorem. Mauris lacinia placerat elit vitae aliquam. Sed et nisl id ex tempor malesuada.
This is a blockquote
As an incoming freshman, New Start was the best choice I could have ever made. I come from a small town and none of my close friends came to the U of A with me. I was basically alone trying to become familiar with the campus and all its resources. New Start made the transition a lot easier for me.
More Styles - Advanced
To use many of the advanced styles you may need to contact BioCom for assistance.
You can add quotes and float them to the right of text. To apply it is a bit more complicated and I would suggest that you contact Biocom for assistance. To the right is a sample of what this looks like. An example on a live page can be found here. A full width quote can be found here.
You can break unordered and ordered lists into two columns. This makes the information a bit easier to read and more compact. As above, you may need to contact BioCom for assistance.
Basic Science Departments
Clinical Departments
An additional numbered step list has been created that can be used to add a bit more visual pizazz to a step-by-step list. Will only work up to 9 steps. You can view this on a live page here.
- Complete your application through the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS)
Designate the Tucson campus of the University of Arizona College of Medicine. - Complete your secondary application
You will receive a secondary application if you meet our minimum application requirements. - Submit letters of recommendation
These must be submitted before your interview day. - Attend a Multiple Mini Interview (MMI)
Interview invitations are sent after we have assessed your secondary application. - Wait for a decision
The Admissions Committee will receive your complete file once we verify all portions of your application.
A callout box might be good to add contact information that may need to appear towards the top of a page sharing the space with the main content. This can be found here in block, and here on a page.