Benjamin R. Lee, MD, MBA, FRCS (Glasgow)

Department Chair, Urology
Professor, Urology
The George W Drach, MD Endowed Chair
Director, GU Cancer & Disease Oriented Strategic Planning Team; University of Arizona Cancer Center
Academic Professional Bio: 

Benjamin R Lee, MD, MBA internationally known for his expertise in kidney cancer surgery, prostate cancer, and calculus treatment and innovations, is Chair and Professor of the Department of Urology at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, and director of the Genitourinary Cancer and Disease oriented strategic planning team at the University of Arizona Cancer Center.

Dr. Lee joined the University of Arizona after serving as a professor of Urology at Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans, where he was also director of the robotic, laparoscopy, and endourology fellowship. He is noted for developing novel techniques for robotic and laparoscopic surgery and is also a leading authority on robotic treatment of renal cell carcinoma and prostate cancer as well as nanotechnology applications in urologic oncology.

Dr. Lee graduated magna cum laude from Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. He then attended the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and continued at the James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute at Johns Hopkins for residency with Dr. Patrick Walsh and Dr. Alan Partin, learning the art of laparoscopy under Dr. Lou Kavoussi. He joined the faculty at North Shore Long Island Jewish Medical Center and developed expertise in the treatment of stone disease with the founder of endourology, Dr. Arthur Smith.

While at Tulane University, Dr. Lee published on nanotechnology applications to improve drug delivery for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma, methods to decrease the morbidity of surgery, methods of decreasing the recurrence of cancer, explanations of why the immune system may be activated differently following laparoscopy compared to open surgery, and further studies focused on preserving kidney function during laparoscopic and robotic kidney surgery. Dr. Lee’s research has been recognized by awards from the American Urological Association, The Endourological Society, and Urology Journal. He was awarded the prestigious Arthur Smith Award in 2008 for his contributions to the discipline of robotics, laparoscopy, and minimally invasive surgery.

Dr. Lee was organizing secretary of the 31st World Congress of Endourology, which was held in New Orleans, LA, in 2013. He has served on the Board of Directors for the Southeastern Section of the American Urological Association and is currently on the finance committee of the Endourological Society, on the editorial board for the Journal of Endourology, and co-editor of the Journal of Endourology Case Reports. He was also previously chair of the American Urological Association Task Force on e-learning development for AUA University, an online education program offered by the American Urological Association.

Dr. Lee has participated in multiple clinical trials and is the author or co-author of more than 250 manuscripts, book chapters, and educational teaching videos. He was instrumental in developing a multidisciplinary nanotechnology research program that includes the integration of urology, biomedical engineering, biomolecular engineering, pathology, and physics and materials engineering.

Research Interests: 

Advancing new treatments for renal cell carcinoma
Developing new technologies and techniques for treating urologic oncology

  1. MD: Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
  2. BA: Cornell University
Honors and Awards:
  • Smith Award, World Congress of Endourology, Shanghai, China, Dec 2008
  • 1st Place, Endourological Society Essay Contest, Basic Science Section: Ost, MC, Patel, KP, Rastinehad AR, Chu PY, Anderson AE, Smith AD, Lee BR. Penumoperitoneum with carbon dioxide inhibits macrophage TNF-alpha secretion: An etiology for Transitional...
  • 1st Place, Long Island Jewish Medical Center Essay Contest. Tan BJ, Dy JS, Chiu PY, Ost MC, Kushner L, Smith AD, and Lee, BR. Prevention of laparoscopic metastasis:A study of different pneumoperitoneal gases and pressures on transitional cell carcinoma...
  • Best Video Award, "Laparoscopy Pyeloplasty", 15th Video Urology World Congress, Busan, Korea, June 17-19, 2004.
  • Selected to represent the United States for the 2004 Academic Fellowship Program, Vienna, Austria. March 17-April 6, 2004.
  • 1999 Information Technology Innovators and 21st Century Pioneer Awards Laureate. ComputerWorld Smithsonian Innovation Collection to the Smithsonian Institute, Permanent Research Collection, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institute.
  • 2nd Place, 1998 Resident Essay Contest, "A Quantitative Histologic Analysis of Collagen Subtypes: The Primary Obstructed and Refluxing Megaureter of Childhood," Urology. Lee, B.R., Silver, R.I., Partin, A.W., Epstein, J.I., and Gearhart, J.P.
  • 1st Place, Essay Contest, Laparoscopic renal cryoablation: Acute and long term clinical, radiographic and pathological effects in animal and human studies. Bishoff, J.T., Chan, D.Y., Chen, R.B., Kuszyk, B., Huso, D., Marshall, F.F., and Kavoussi,. L.R....
  • 1st Place, Best Video, International Telesurgical Telementoring. Lee, BR, Janetschek, G., Bishoff, J.T., Bunyaratavej, P., Kamolpronwijit, W. and Kavoussi L.R. 16th World Congress of Endourology & SWL, New York City, New York, USA, 1998.
  • 1st Place Overall, Case of the Week Competition, Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1992-93
  • Maryland State Senatorial Scholarship, 1991-1994
  • Magna Cum Laude, Cornell University
  • Dean's List, College of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University, 1986-87, 1987-88
  • The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Brady Urological Institute (Baltimore, Maryland)
  • American Foundation for Urologic Disease, Research, 1993
Board Certifications:
  • American Board of Urology



Garcia, K., T. Jones, C. Espitia, J. Chipollini, B. Lee, J. Wertheim, J. Carew, and S. Nawrocki, "MP28-15 A NEW STRATEGY TO ENHANCE CISPLATIN EFFICACY WHILE REDUCING NEPHROTOXICITY THROUGH TARGETED NEDDYLATION INHIBITION", Journal of Urology, vol. 209, issue 4 supplement, 04/2023.
Batai, K., W. Asif, P. Wightman, A. Cruz, C. I. Valencia, F. C. Gachupin, C-H. Hsu, J. Chipollini, and B. R. Lee, "Abstract C085: Intersectionality of neighborhood socioeconomic deprivation, race/ethnicity, and obesity in renal cell carcinoma disparities in Hispanics and American Indians in Arizona", Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, vol. 32, issue 1 supplement, 01/2023.
Jones, T. M., C. M. Espitia, J. Chipollini, B. R. Lee, J. A. Wertheim, J. S. Carew, and S. T. Nawrocki, "Targeting NEDDylation is a Novel Strategy to Attenuate Cisplatin-induced Nephrotoxicity.", Cancer Res Commun, vol. 3, issue 2, pp. 245-257, 2023 Feb. PMCID: PMC9973416 


Cruz, A., F. Dickerson, K. R. Pulling, K. Garcia, F. C. Gachupin, C-H. Hsu, J. Chipollini, B. R. Lee, and K. Batai, "Impacts of Neighborhood Characteristics and Surgical Treatment Disparities on Overall Mortality in Stage I Renal Cell Carcinoma Patients.", Int J Environ Res Public Health, vol. 19, issue 4, 2022 Feb 12. PMCID: PMC8872003  PMID: 35206240
Lee, B. R., and K. Batai, "EDITORIAL COMMENT.", Urology, vol. 165, pp. 96-97, 2022 Jul. PMID: 35843703
Gachupin, F. C., B. R. Lee, J. Chipollini, K. R. Pulling, A. Cruz, A. C. Wong, C. I. Valencia, C-H. Hsu, and K. Batai, "Renal Cell Carcinoma Surgical Treatment Disparities in American Indian/Alaska Natives and Hispanic Americans in Arizona.", Int J Environ Res Public Health, vol. 19, issue 3, 2022 Jan 21. PMCID: PMC8834853  PMID: 35162208


Singh, N., V. R. Ramnarine, J. H. Song, R. Pandey, S. K. R. Padi, M. Nouri, V. Olive, M. Kobelev, K. Okumura, D. McCarthy, et al., "The long noncoding RNA H19 regulates tumor plasticity in neuroendocrine prostate cancer.", Nat Commun, vol. 12, issue 1, pp. 7349, 2021 Dec 21. PMCID: PMC8692330  PMID: 34934057
Quinonez-Zanabria, E., C. I. Valencia, W. Asif, J. Zeng, A. C. Wong, A. Cruz, J. Chipollini, B. R. Lee, F. C. Gachupin, C-H. Hsu, et al., "Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Preoperative Surgical Wait Time and Renal Cell Carcinoma Tumor Characteristics.", Healthcare (Basel), vol. 9, issue 9, 2021 Sep 08. PMCID: PMC8471651  PMID: 34574957
Pollock, G., C-H. Hsu, K. Batai, B. R. Lee, and J. Chipollini, "Postoperative and Survival Outcomes After Cytoreductive Surgery in the Treatment of Metastatic Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma.", Urology, vol. 153, pp. 244-249, 2021 Jul. PMID: 33482133
Zeng, J., K. Batai, and B. R. Lee, "Nephrectomy Delay of More than 10 Weeks from Diagnosis Is Associated with Decreased Overall Survival in pT3 RCC.", J Kidney Cancer VHL, vol. 8, issue 2, pp. 27-33, 2021. PMCID: PMC8211570 
Valencia, C. I., S. Asmar, C-H. Hsu, F. C. Gachupin, A. C. Wong, J. Chipollini, B. R. Lee, and K. Batai, "Renal Cell Carcinoma Health Disparities in Stage and Mortality among American Indians/Alaska Natives and Hispanic Americans: Comparison of National Cancer Database and Arizona Cancer Registry Data.", Cancers (Basel), vol. 13, issue 5, 2021 Feb 27. PMCID: PMC7956712  PMID: 33673457
Chipollini, J., G. Pollock, C-H. Hsu, K. Batai, A. Recio-Boiles, and B. R. Lee, "National trends and survival outcomes of penile squamous cell carcinoma based on human papillomavirus status.", Cancer Med, vol. 10, issue 21, pp. 7466-7474, 2021 Nov. PMCID: PMC8559500 


Zeng, J., and B. R. Lee, ""Magnetic-Assisted Robotic and Laparoscopic Renal Surgery: Initial Clinical Experience with the Levita Magnetic Surgical System" by Fulla et al.", J Endourol, vol. 34, issue 12, pp. 1247, 2020 Dec.
De la Rosa, A. Harb-, J. Garcia-Castaneda, C-H. Hsu, J. Zeng, K. Batai, B. R. Lee, and J. Chipollini, "Perioperative outcomes of open vs. robotic radical cystectomy: a nationwide comparative analysis (2008-2014).", Cent European J Urol, vol. 73, issue 4, pp. 427-431, 2020. PMCID: PMC7848836  PMID: 33552567
Loloi, J., B. W Shingleton, S. Y. Nakada, R. J. Zagoria, J. Landman, B. R. Lee, S. F. Matin, K. Ahrar, R. J. Leveillee, J. A. Cadeddu, et al., "Management of Residual or Recurrent Disease Following Thermal Ablation of Renal Cortical Tumors.", J Kidney Cancer VHL, vol. 7, issue 2, pp. 1-5, 2020 Jun. PMCID: PMC7331942 
Phung, M. C., A. R. Rouse, J. Pangilinan, R. C. Bell, E. R. Bracamonte, S. Mashi, A. F. Gmitro, and B. R. Lee, "Investigation of confocal microscopy for differentiation of renal cell carcinoma versus benign tissue. Can an optical biopsy be performed?", Asian J Urol, vol. 7, issue 4, pp. 363-368, 2020 Oct. PMCID: PMC7498942  PMID: 32995282


Batai, K., A. Harb- De la Rosa, A. Lwin, F. Chaus, F. C. Gachupin, E. Price, and B. R. Lee, "Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Renal Cell Carcinoma: An Analysis of Clinical Characteristics.", Clin Genitourin Cancer, vol. 17, issue 1, pp. e195-e202, 2019 Feb. PMCID: PMC6348034  PMID: 30459061
Batai, K., A. Harb- De la Rosa, J. Zeng, J. J. Chipollini, F. C. Gachupin, and B. R. Lee, "Racial/ethnic disparities in renal cell carcinoma: Increased risk of early-onset and variation in histologic subtypes.", Cancer Med, vol. 8, issue 15, pp. 6780-6788, 2019 Nov. PMCID: PMC6826053  PMID: 31509346


Phung, M. C., and B. R. Lee, "Recent advancements of robotic surgery for kidney cancer.", Asian J Endosc Surg, vol. 11, issue 4, pp. 300-307, 2018 Nov.
Wang, M., D. B. Tulman, A. B. Sholl, S. H. Mandava, M. M. Maddox, B. R. Lee, and Q. J Brown, "Partial nephrectomy margin imaging using structured illumination microscopy.", J Biophotonics, vol. 11, issue 3, 2018 03. PMCID: PMC5821599  PMID: 28834287
Batai, K., E. Imler, J. Pangilinan, R. Bell, A. Lwin, E. Price, T. Milinic, A. Arora, N. A. Ellis, E. Bracamonte, et al., "Whole-transcriptome sequencing identified gene expression signatures associated with aggressive clear cell renal cell carcinoma.", Genes Cancer, vol. 9, issue 5-6, pp. 247-256, 2018 May. PMCID: PMC6305109  PMID: 30603059
Bergersen, A., R. Thomas, and B. R. Lee, "Robotic Pyeloplasty.", J Endourol, vol. 32, issue S1, pp. S68-S72, 2018 05.
Batai, K., A. Bergersen, E. Price, K. Hynes, N. A. Ellis, and B. R. Lee, "Clinical and Molecular Characteristics and Burden of Kidney Cancer Among Hispanics and Native Americans: Steps Toward Precision Medicine.", Clin Genitourin Cancer, vol. 16, issue 3, pp. e535-e541, 2018 06.


Golan, S., S. C. Johnson, M. J. Maurice, J. H. Kaouk, W. R. Lai, B. R. Lee, S. V. Kheyfets, C. P. Sundaram, D. B. Cahn, R. G. Uzzo, et al., "Safety and early effectiveness of robot-assisted partial nephrectomy for large angiomyolipomas.", BJU Int, vol. 119, issue 5, pp. 755-760, 2017 05.
Liu, J., C. Abshire, C. Carry, A. B. Sholl, S. Harsha Mandava, A. Datta, M. Ranjan, C. Callaghan, D. V. Peralta, K. S. Williams, et al., "Nanotechnology combined therapy: tyrosine kinase-bound gold nanorod and laser thermal ablation produce a synergistic higher treatment response of renal cell carcinoma in a murine model.", BJU Int, vol. 119, issue 2, pp. 342-348, 2017 Feb.
